Bees on a honeycombe

Bees Matter

Bees and other pollinating insects are essential to life as we know it. Bees are vital to both pollinate the food we need to survive and pollinate many of the trees and flowers that provide habitats for wildlife. 

Pollination is crucial because many of our vegetables, fruits and the crops that feed our livestock rely on it to be fertilised, so without it, we could go hungry. Vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus and cucumber rely on the pollination of bees, as do apricots, strawberries, apples, tomatoes and almonds. 

The Problem

Bees and other Insects need a huge amount of energy to fly from their home to fields where they collect nectar, and polinate plants in the process.  They frequently fly several miles, and need regular fuel stops en-route.

Humanity has created huge towns in their flight paths.  Traditionally, gardens had plenty of nectar-producing flowers, where insects could re-fuel.  Modern gardens are frequently empty of fuel-stops.

Bee on Flower

Our Response –
‘Bee Squared’

We need to introduce more bee-friendly plants at regular intevals around the area, which is why we our launching our brand new community project, ‘Bee Squared’.

We are distributing tiny packets of free seed across High Wycombe. There are over 2 dozen ‘collection stations’, hosted mostly by local residents, often a box by their door or gate where you can help yourself to a pack of seed. Check out this link to find one near you. Each Collection Station has a dozen or so packets, adding up to about a thousand packets across the town!

A dozen schools in High Wycombe are also giving tiny packs to their pupils, or using them in school. A list of the schools taking part is here.

Read on for more information.


“BEE SQUARED” is an exciting new project started in Hazlemere. We are extending it into High Wycombe, by inviting you to join us in helping our bees and other pollinators which have massively declined over the past 50 years. In High Wycombe we are determined to stop this decline and help our wonderful natural friends.
DID YOU KNOW that 90% of bees in the UK are solitary bees? This means they don’t have a hive to return to and so in order to keep going they need to ‘refuel’ via flowers every few metres. Solitary bees provide an essential pollination service. They pollinate our crops and ensure that plant communities are healthy and productive. without them mammals and birds would not have the seeds, berries or plants on which they depend.
DURING SPRING 2023 we will be distributing – free of charge – a small packet of wildflower seeds (with a leaflet) to households across High Wycombe to encourage people to make a ‘Bee Square’. This project has been funded by Buckinghamshire Council Community Board.
COLLECT YOUR SEED from any one of dozens of ‘collection stations’ across the town – where you can just pick up a pack of seed – find one near you by using the How do I Get My Seeds tool, below…. Or you may find you have a pack brought home by your son or daughter! 
PLANT YOUR FREE wildflower seeds in your front garden (follow instructions on the packet), either in the ground (area of 1 square metre) or in a few large pots. With your pack of seed is a leaflet. Please display our BEE SQUARED logo (back of leaflet!) in a visible window to show that you are joining in. Then let us know HERE that you are participating3

How Do I Get My Seeds?

Each area that is invvolved with Bee Squared has its own system for getting seeds to you.  Some are Delivering, Some have Collection Points, and Others have their own process.   If you tell us your postcode, we can show you the process in your area.

My Postcode:

Bee Squared Map

Bee Squares has been running since 2021.  The map below shows the distribution of Bee Squares from previous years.  We think it’s been pretty successful.

As this year’s programme progresses, you will see more Bee Squares appearing on the map.  See your own progress…

Show map for year:

Hover your mouse over icons to see more information..

Map Loading


Distribution Hub

Seeds will be distributed from here.

  • Eco Group Volunteers will deliver to postcodes in their area.
  • Schools will distribute to pupils
  • etc.

Placing your pointer over the icon will show more detail of the plans in that area.

Collection Point

Your Eco Group has delivered a number of seed packets to the Collection Point. You will need to visit the Collection point to get your seeds.

Placing your pointer over the icon will show the Opening Hours, Dates, and more details about the Collection Point.

Bee Square

Somebody has collected seeds, and planted them in their garden.

The map is updated as people provide their details.

You can see the success of previous year’s Bee Squares, by choosing the year from the selector above the map.

We think you’re here !!

We have used the location details from your device to guess where you are. Depending on the device, accuracy can vary, so we may be a mile or two out!!

This is the location we use to identify your nearest Collection Points and Distribution Hubs.