Cranleigh Climate Action

Cranleigh Climate Action

“Working with the community in Cranleigh and surrounding villages to take positive action against climate change!”

To see what we are up to, follow us on Facebook:

and to get more involved, join our Facebook group:

Upcoming events

Our next two events will be pop-ups on Cranleigh High Street: January 18th and February 22nd 2025, 10am-12pm. In January we will be exploring sustainable food, in particular how to make yummy food with beans and lentils!

Co-op local community fund

Cranleigh Climate Action has been selected as one of our local Co-op “good causes”. The amount we get will depend on how many Co-op members choose us.

We are trying to raise money to start up a Library of things. So if you are a member of the Co-op, please choose us here!

It doesn’t matter where you are in the country you can still choose us! And if you’re not yet a member, you can always join…!

Cranleigh Climate Action Challenge

We created Cranleigh Climate Challenge Pledges because we believe we can’t leave it to others to respond to the climate emergency, and that we need to act.
We’ve identified 6 areas where we can reduce our personal impact on the climate: transport, food, at home, stuff we buy and use, nature, and the influence we have on others.
We’re personally pledging to act across those areas, and encouraging everyone in or around Cranleigh to join us.
To explore ideas for your own changes, visit

Energy advice at the Climate Cafe In Cranleigh Library

Next Climate Cafés: (All Tuesdays) 21st January, 18th February, 18th March and 15th April.

We are normally in Cranleigh Library from 10.30am to 12.30pm on the third Tuesday of the month and will help you find some answers to your energy questions.

Come along and make sure that your home is the most energy efficient it can be.

The library is a Warm Welcome Venue, where you can drop in, warm up, grab yourself a drink and read a book, go online or chat to others there – and the brilliant Climate Action team are just waiting to say hello!

Past events

Climate Pop-up launched!

On 26th October we launched our new monthly Climate Pop-up events on Cranleigh High Street, outside Boots.

Our County Councillor, Liz Townsend who facilitated our present funding, was our guest of honour.

Our guest member, Peter Jones, a local beekeeper was there as our star attraction this month with lots of ideas on how to optimise our gardens to help the pollinators we rely on to thrive.

Visit to Elmbridge

Cranleigh Climate Action had a really interesting and positive visit to Elmbridge in August 2024.  We met the lively and very active Sustainability Working Group and were extremely impressed by their achievements and plans.  Their allotments and the work (and fun!) going on there is focussed on sustainability and supporting nature.
In future we intend to plan some joint activities;  we will get invitations to their meetings and the talks they put on and we are invited to hold pop-up events there.  
The Elmbridge group is affiliated to Cranleigh Climate Action and we are sure to have a fruitful time working together.

Cranleigh Carnival

We had a stall at the carnival on 29th June 2024 with a quiz for adults based on Mike Berners-Lee’s book “How bad are bananas?” and a game for children balancing penguins on a melting iceberg!

How we started…

At a meeting on 13th June 2023 in Cranleigh Village Sports and Social Club members agreed to upgrade Cranleigh Climate Action to an official body: an unincorporated association.
“Cranleigh’s carbon footprint per household is larger than the national average”. That’s what members learned from Mark, from Zero Carbon Guildford. He went on to explain that Cranleigh’s consumption of goods and services was the culprit – with a higher consumption of goods and services than the national average.  “Reduce, repair, reuse, recycle,” should be our watchwords he advised. 
The Climate Action group aim to support the community in Cranleigh and the surrounding villages to reduce emissions of all sorts of greenhouse gasses to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2030 and eventually become a Climate Positive village.
Lynda, elected as chair, quoted Greta Thunberg. “She said that there isn’t one solution for our changing climate but what is needed is to change the conversation” – and “that” Lynda continued “is what Cranleigh Climate Action aims to do –organising small and maybe bigger projects to help residents and businesses locally make the changes we need to reduce all harmful emissions and to make our village more resilient to the changing climate.”
Members discussed their initial projects, including a community fridge, monitoring air quality and a “reduce, recycle”fashion show together with Cranleigh’s wonderful charity shops amongst other initiatives.


About us:
Cranleigh Climate Action was set up in 2019, and became an unincorporated association in June 2023. Our aim is to  support the community in Cranleigh and surrounding villages to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2030 and to become a Climate Positive Village by:

  • disseminating information and promoting action on climate change,
  • carrying out local activities to mitigate the effects of climate change, and to improve resilience,
  • working with other local organisations and businesses to achieve these ends.

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